Areas of Practice



We conduct workshops of varying length and intensity depending on the needs and resources of the organization. Some of our workshops have been as short as two hours, others as long as two days. We will work with you to hone and refine a workshop that fits your demands and budget

Keynote Speeches


We conduct keynote speeches as a team with the intent of modeling how to hold a conversation about race across very different racial and gender identities

Leadership Training


We believe that organizational and community leaders play a significant role in setting a tone for addressing institutional racism. We work with senior leadership teams to help them model a public, critical examination of race and racism, including how to engage in appropriate self-disclosure.

Organizational Interventions


Dismantling racism depends on changing organizational structures, policies and practices. We work with institutions that desire to become antiracist in designing a plan to achieve that purpose. We advise on hiring and promotion practices, the development of affinity and accountability groups, how to create networks of racial healing for BIPOC and how to respond to predictable resistance



Formal and informal mentoring can make a life and death difference to the mental health of BIPOC and to their ability to flourish in an organization. White people also need mentors who have learned how to work against the racism they notice in colleagues. We conduct mentorship training to build productivity, enhance communication and secure racial healing.